Members play with shapes at our January 2024 workshop to envision what a shared common house layout might look like.

Imagine a community created by the community, where members consider everyone’s interests, their needs, and the future needs and interests of those who have not yet joined to maximize joy.

BV&F members are thoughtful, open to different points of view, creative, nature-loving, and diverse in many ways.


Pick herbs for dinner with the neighbors!


We are a multi-generational, diverse group who longs to live amongst friendly neighbors who share our values (more below). We will share weekly meals at a common house that will include a large kitchen and a dining area for community meals. Intended as an extension of your home, members also requested an exercise room, a library, a comfy small group gathering place, a kids’ room, a craft room, and multiple guest rooms for members’ guests. Members also have the benefit of privacy in our homes and private back yards.

Nevada City Cohousing (for illustrative purposes)


We are planning on 28-35 homes, ranging in size from 800 to 1600 square feet. In April 2024, we completed our individual unit workshop where members considered the important features of the homes, from look and feel to layouts inside and outside on the site.

We are working with the architectural team of Jack Wilbern and Patricia Tetro, who guide our workshops and create beautiful designs based on the group's goals. Explorers get more detailed information about our revised budget and timeline for construction.

Aerial view of farm land, forests, and fields.

An aerial view: most green space will be preserved.


We plan to build our community on about 16 acres, to be purchased and parceled from an existing 150-acre farm in Dickson County, Tennessee, from fifth-generation farmers who will be our neighbors. Our architect and engineer are working on submittal documents now!

We prioritize green space and will build on about 5 acres and preserve more than 10 acres, retaining open field and forest, plus farming some acres.

Join us for periodic site visits with small groups of interested people.

…or continue reading to learn about our values and our vision.

Our Values


We seek to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships that reflect caring, honesty, and collaboration in managing our community and contributing to the well-being of our neighbors in and beyond BVF.


We welcome people of all ages and abilities with diverse religious, socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, sexual orientation, and cultural backgrounds.


We take steps to protect the quality of the soil, water, and air in our community, aiming to provide ourselves and our non-human neighbors now and in the future with a healthy environment.


Our Vision

Our vision of the future for Burns Village & Farm is a multi-generational neighborhood where residents enjoy privacy in their own homes as well as supportive and congenial relationships with neighbors. We envision a neighborhood that includes and supports a small sustainable farm operated by professional farmers who provide produce to community members in exchange for this support. Community members accomplish this vision by learning about and practicing skills such as consensus decision-making, respectful communication, and sustainable living practices that protect nature’s systems.