Burn Village and Farm was featured in Edible Nashville’s May/June 2022 Garden Issue. Along with grounding the community – quite literally – around a working farm, an agrihood is all about cohousing. While the homes are privately owned with their own full baths and kitchens, stakeholders in an agrihood share a communal space with a full kitchen and dining area of its own, allowing neighbors to get together for regular meals and providing their kids with a safe place to play.

8.31.23 A forming Agrihood in Burns, TN

COHOUSING HOUSTON: This Monday morning podcast is hosted by Lynn Morstead & Kelli Soika. They chat about cohousing topics, reflecting on a broad range of questions, observations, challenges, and successes related to their forming cohousing community and the world around them. Founding Member Rebecca spoke with them about Burns Village & Farm.

5.20.22 Radio Interview

All ABOUT NASHVILLE: This episode features the founders of Burns Village and Farm with John Patrick and Rebecca Selove along with project architect Jack Wilbern. This new community will be the first type of development in Tennessee known as an agrihood which includes 28 to 35 privately owned homes on 15 beautiful acres located only 25 miles outside of Nashville. There will also be community-shared facilities such as a farm, common house, and vast wooded open space.

Next-Level Farm-to-Table Living

THE NASHVILLE SCENE: THE GREEN ISSUE, APRIL 21st, 2022 - Co-housing — and its various flavors and offshoots — is a new name for an old concept. Planned by their future residents rather than by developers, at their core, co-housing projects are single-family homes grouped around communal space. Early buy-in from residents, consensus-based decision-making and architectural and planning decisions — front porches opening onto carless streets, for example — are intended to foster a sense of community increasingly absent in a siloed society.

Agrihood To Make Its Debut In Burns

THE EXCHANGE, MAY 3rd, 2022 - Patrick and Selove are part of a core group who plan on launching Tennessee’s first agrihood in Burns, called Burns Village Farm, located on 15 acres the core group is purchasing from the Deal Family. The core group hosted a free informational meeting Friday night at The Nashville Food Project office in West Nashville, which included a lecture from co-housing expert Kathryn “Katie” McCamant and was attended by approximately 40 people.